We are who we are after a decade..
It was on March 1998 when we graduated from our beloved alma mater, Notre Dame of Dadiangas for Girls now known as Notre Dame of General Santos City.
And now after a decade we decided it was time to catch up with our long lost buddies some of whom we last saw on our graduation day.
Being one of the officers elected for the alumni, I felt somehow responsible to make this event into a realization. Good thing, my dear friend luzie who came from St. Thomas Aquinas while I came from Mother Francisca class is a Pro in organizing events. She was hands on in the details for the upcoming event and was generously giving her time and effort for its success.
Finally and after months of preparation, the big day came on December 27, 2008, 6pm at The Tent, Orange Bistro. There were about 55 attendees..only 10 came from my class (so sad)! Despite the minor setbacks we had a blast that night. Our stomach was full and we had fun with our shindig.
Was it not for the generous sponsors the event would have not been very successful so our gratitude to them who generously shared with us to make this event a success.
Good friends were once again reunited. It was fun seeing how we have grown after a decade of separation from the institution which practically molded our teenage life. I miss the good old high school days. I miss the fun that we had in the old campus. It was worth traveling down the memory lane and seeing old friends who had once brightened my life.
High School life is the best indeed!